Would you like to be more confident with your English? All of our teachers are professionals with many years of experience who know how and when to correct you.
I SEE CULTURE2023-12-16T12:38:13+01:00

Would you like to communicate in English with confidence?

You can gain fluency with confidence. Give us three months and you will see for yourself.
(Pardon the pun.)

Enable CONFIDENCE 360 through passive literacy and active practice. The programme includes a literacy programme which takes you on a journey to acquire skills with 5-10 minute daily workouts. Practice your English in groups ("With others" bonos), or one to one, with your private teacher ("Just Me" bonos).

Enable Confidence 360
and improve your communication skills in English

How easy is it for you to enjoy yourself in English? This is our ultimate goal. Learning on your own is key. Practice is key. Having a good base is key. And acquiring these skills effortlessly is, simply put, fantastic.

Short terms for you to be confident in English. Do you already know English, but you haven't spoken in a long time? You can sign up to sessions of speaking, to remember your English, and practice in a fun, professional environment.

Watch to see how you can improve your confidence in English with I See Culture.

Enable Confidence 360
and improve your communication skills in English

How easy is it for you to enjoy yourself in English? This is our ultimate goal. Learning on your own is key. Practice is key. Having a good base is key. And acquiring these skills effortlessly is, simply put, fantastic.

Problems from the past of some students.

Discover why they are now part of the past on the flip-side.


Our APP progressively helps.



We focus on guided practice.



Here, we practice speaking.



Confidence is key


Confidence 360 = Literacy Programme + Speaking
empower your English learning

“Hace años que practico inglés con Jo-Anne y su método además de ser efectivo y rápido, hace que las clases sean divertidísimas y pasen en un suspiro. Gracias a Jo-Anne he perdido la vergüenza y soy capaz de hacerme entender mucho mejor que antes. Además es una persona encantadora y muy cercana!!!!!”

Paula C. Rodríguez, Museum

“Empecé a trabajar con Jo-Anne hace casi veinte años. Una gran multinacional me contrato y hablar inglés era una condición indispensable. Ella fue corresponsable de mi progresión profesional. Tiene la virtud de entender tus necesidades y personalizar completamente el proceso de aprendizaje. Hoy no solo sigue siendo mi profesora de ingles sino que se ha convertido en coacher personal con la que validar ideas y proyectos. Siempre en inglés, eso sí 😊. Es una verdadera suerte haber dado con ella. Gran profesional y mejor persona.”

Francisco Martos, Winchannel S.L., Consultoría estratégica líder en el sector tecnológico

…Su constancia y dedicación consiguió que pudiera hacer una conferencia de 55 minutos con una entonación y un vocabulario tan perfecto que recibí muchos halagos y propuestas de continuación en el trabajo… Su amabilidad corrección y comprensión hacen las clases amenas y me atrevería a decir elegantes… es un placer trabajar y uno está deseando que llegue la clase siguiente… Por ser ella nativa que ha tenido que aprender español creo que aplica con enorme empatía su conocimiento y su sabiduría comprendiendo perfectamente las dificultades que se tienen cuando se aprende o como en mi caso se refresca un idioma que por falta de uso se ha quedado algo obsoleto… Puedo recomendar absolutamente el trabajo con ella tanto de traducción como de clases de inglés… y creo también que es interesante para ejecutivos que al menos una vez al año corrijan su inglés con clases de refresco.

Ana de Alvear, Multidisciplinary Artist, Follow me in Instagram @anadealvear
Would you like to be more fluent, be confident, practice speaking? Great, because we love to listen, correct, provoke the right conversations. So that you can be confident where you want, when you want, speaking the language that you want.Is English frustrating? Must you give class in English? Presentations, exams, interviews? Is it difficult to commit longterm?
Discover Confidence 360

Your Path to Effortless English Learning

Embark on a unique journey with Confidence 360, where intuitive learning meets active practice. Tailored by professionals, this method lets you learn English naturally, without the stress of grammar or homework.

Literacy Programme

Every native speaker begins with the same basic melody: their “ABCs”. Learning English is similar, even if your beginning has been somewhat different. It is not necessary to go back to the beginning. Our favorite programme is here to help you.

Dive into our Literacy Programme for just 5 minutes daily and build a solid English foundation with ease and fun.

Virtual Sessions to practice speaking English

Plus, enhance your speaking skills in our Virtual Sessions, designed for effective communication in a global setting. Enjoy sessions “Just Me” to make the most of your time. Join small, personalized groups “With Others”  and transform into a confident, global communicator. Start your adventure today and unlock the joy of learning English!

Improve your level and confidence by improving your literacy, play and compete for 5-10 minutes a day. You'll see!

Literacy Programme

  • passive learning

  • naturally builds confidence

  • 5 min/day workout programme
  • carefully designed with mini challenges
  • solid base through literacy

Our programme mimics the natural language acquisition process, similar to how a native speaker learns. By associating sounds, spelling patterns, and images, you will effortlessly absorb vocabulary and sentence structures.

  • speak English naturally
  • focused help
  • gain confidence
  • practice when you want

  • individual or small groups

Want to speak English better? Our virtual sessions are here to help. We focus on making you speak English more naturally. Our experts are here to guide you every step of the way. You will not just learn English; you will become more confident in using it. You can join our sessions whenever you want and learn at your own pace. Just Me sessions are just that, one to one classes. Plus, With Others, our small group size (max. 5) means you get the attention you need. Join us and see how fun and easy learning English can be!

Specialized teachers to provoke the specific practice you need according to your grammar level, specific needs, or preferences. You will advanced quickly without even realizing why. Specialized workshops to help you feel more confident when you speak English
How much interaction is there in the classes/sessions?2023-11-11T17:08:47+01:00

Constant. Our job is to make you speak as much as possible, and offer corrections. The general rule for corrections is to write them in the chat once, twice, but the third time comes with a “stop” and verbal correction. The objective is to have a fluent, easy-going environment with as much interaction as possible.

What are the fees for the courses?2023-11-11T17:05:46+01:00

The fees range from almost nothing to… well, however much you want! We don’t believe in long-term commitments, so you purchase “bonos” that last for 3 months. Those bonos range from 10€ an hour to 27,50€. The Literacy Programme lasts a year and has a high value for a low price (which may vary depending on your plan). We also have agreements with many associations or companies. The best thing to do is to consult a real plan with a real goal and see the real price.

What is the average class size?2023-11-11T16:55:58+01:00

The “With Others” sessions have between 3 and 5 students. The more popular times usually fill up, and if you can organize your agenda and have class at a less popular time, you will most likely have 3 people in your class. You will find that 5 people is a lot of fun and quite manageable! You can choose to repeat with the same people, or or organize your agenda according to your limited free time.

What types of courses are offered?2023-11-11T16:46:23+01:00

We specialise in making you communicate better. No course. That being said, every student has their specific needs, and we adapt easily. Our methods give support to any course you may have done or are currently doing. It is common that in other courses you may not have the opportunity to speak as much, or have specialized and individual attention, or in small groups.  Basically, after an initial assessment we can work with you on an individual programme, and if you already know what you want, just let us know.

What are the qualifications of the teachers?2023-11-11T16:40:46+01:00

All of our teachers have a few things in common: they LOVE to help and they are able to lead the conversation to benefit your learning (sometimes it not so easy to let everyone speak as much as possible!). Aside from that, they either and have an interesting personality, love to listen, have experience, don’t mind correcting, have relevant studies, and may be from some other country. We love variety to keep things interesting.

Perderás el sentido del ridículo de una vez, y ni te darás cuenta. Lo podrás aplicar a tu vida entera, pero viene especialmente bien para tu aprendizaje, fluidez y confianza en inglés.
How much interaction is there in the classes/sessions?2023-11-11T17:08:47+01:00

Constant. Our job is to make you speak as much as possible, and offer corrections. The general rule for corrections is to write them in the chat once, twice, but the third time comes with a “stop” and verbal correction. The objective is to have a fluent, easy-going environment with as much interaction as possible.

What are the fees for the courses?2023-11-11T17:05:46+01:00

The fees range from almost nothing to… well, however much you want! We don’t believe in long-term commitments, so you purchase “bonos” that last for 3 months. Those bonos range from 10€ an hour to 27,50€. The Literacy Programme lasts a year and has a high value for a low price (which may vary depending on your plan). We also have agreements with many associations or companies. The best thing to do is to consult a real plan with a real goal and see the real price.

What is the average class size?2023-11-11T16:55:58+01:00

The “With Others” sessions have between 3 and 5 students. The more popular times usually fill up, and if you can organize your agenda and have class at a less popular time, you will most likely have 3 people in your class. You will find that 5 people is a lot of fun and quite manageable! You can choose to repeat with the same people, or or organize your agenda according to your limited free time.

What types of courses are offered?2023-11-11T16:46:23+01:00

We specialise in making you communicate better. No course. That being said, every student has their specific needs, and we adapt easily. Our methods give support to any course you may have done or are currently doing. It is common that in other courses you may not have the opportunity to speak as much, or have specialized and individual attention, or in small groups.  Basically, after an initial assessment we can work with you on an individual programme, and if you already know what you want, just let us know.

What are the qualifications of the teachers?2023-11-11T16:40:46+01:00

All of our teachers have a few things in common: they LOVE to help and they are able to lead the conversation to benefit your learning (sometimes it not so easy to let everyone speak as much as possible!). Aside from that, they either and have an interesting personality, love to listen, have experience, don’t mind correcting, have relevant studies, and may be from some other country. We love variety to keep things interesting.

Would you like a call-back?

  • If you prefer to contact us first, please do!
  • + (34) 682 277 817
  • + (34) 682 277 817
  • info@iseeculture.com

Or we can get in touch with you, of course!

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